Blepharitis services offered in Buffalo Grove and Chicago, IL

Blepharitis is a chronic condition that causes irritation and swelling of the eyelids. However, with the right interventions, you can manage blepharitis. The compassionate team at Eye Q Optique in Buffalo Grove and the Tri-Taylor and Near West Side neighborhoods of Chicago, Illinois, specializes in diagnosing and treating blepharitis. To get help managing eyelid irritation, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

Blepharitis Q & A

  • Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelid. It occurs when skin conditions (e.g., allergies, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis), bacteria, or both irritate the upper or lower rim of the eyelid, causing the lids to redden and swell and become scaly. 

    The eyelid inflammation causes discomfort but doesn’t affect vision and isn’t contagious. 

    There are two types of blepharitis: anterior blepharitis and posterior blepharitis.

    Anterior blepharitis

    With anterior blepharitis, the redness and swelling affect the outer portion of the eyelids, where the lashes grow.

    Posterior blepharitis

    Posterior blepharitis is more common and causes inflammation on the inside area of the eyelid. This type of blepharitis occurs because of erratic oil production by the oil glands (meibomian) in the eyelid.

  • Blepharitis causes itchy, red eyes and swollen and flaky skin on the eyelids. Over time, the flaky skin around the eyelids worsens, causing coarse skin that forms a crust along the lid. That crust causes the lids to stick together.

    The eyelids are most crusty when you first wake up in the morning and may cause a yellow or green eye discharge. You may also have a burning sensation, dry eye, or excessive tearing.

    If you have symptoms of blepharitis, the team at Eye Q Optique can help.

  • The team performs a comprehensive eye exam when you come in with concerns about swelling and irritation of the eyelids. During the exam, they evaluate eye health and vision.

    They also review your medical history, family history, and take a sample of your eye discharge to determine if you have a bacterial infection. Additionally, they do a tear test to see if dry eye is contributing to your symptoms.

    They may also conduct allergy testing. 

  • Currently, there’s no cure for blepharitis. However, the team at Eye Q Optique provides care to help you manage your symptoms. That includes:

    • Using warm compresses

    • Regular careful cleaning of the eyelids

    • Antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection

    • Anti-inflammatory medications

    The team also provides specific treatment for any condition contributing to your blepharitis, such as treatment for allergies or dry eye.

    To get help with blepharitis, call Eye Q Optique or schedule an appointment online today.

To get help with blepharitis, call Eye Q Optique or schedule an appointment online today.